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Zobacz podobne ogłoszenia w kategorii Magazyn Bedfordshire


Twój zakres obowiązków

  • On-site parking
    Full time job
    Full training provided

Nasze wymagania

  • We are online based retailer that is currently looking to recruit Warehouse Team Member for a shop/warehouse located at Shefford in Bedfordshire at full time ( electric vehicles sales and parts ) . The shop will trade between 8am and 4pm .
  • Picking orders
        Quality control
        Customer service
        Goods In Goods Out
        Computer skills
  • Polski


You will do everything from servicing your customers to handling online orders, packing and preparing them for shipment. And of course you will provide excellent customer service at all times, responding to customer needs in a fast and friendly manner. It is really easy job and requires from the applicant to be able to organize well their work and be Self-motivation.
Packing stock , warehouse organisation , utilisation and planning.

    Stock Level responsibility & loss and damage investigations 
    Improve hygiene standards
    Improve stock flow ( FIFO )
    Keeping documents up to date
    Compliance of stock received
    Comply with Health and Safety rules
    Reporting to company director
    Maintain security rules and improve security of the warehouse
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę w celu prowadzenia rekrutacji na aplikowane przeze mnie stanowisko.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez firmę w celu prowadzenia rekrutacji na aplikowane przeze mnie stanowisko.
Czytaj więcej
Dodano: 01.12.2023, 12:15
Wyświetleń: 290
ID ogłoszenia: 1098
Dodano: 01.12.2023, 12:15
Wyświetleń: 290
ID ogłoszenia: 1098

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